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Use Cases By Industry

Unlock the Power of Simplified Sharing with CG Shortly

In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses across all industries face the challenge of effectively sharing links and tracking their performance.

Whether you're in retail, healthcare, or finance, long, complex URLs can clutter communications, hinder user engagement, and make it difficult to analyse results. CG Shortly transforms this process by offering customizable short links and QR codes, making it easier than ever to share important resources, drive traffic, and track success.

Explore real-world use cases to see how companies from diverse sectors are leveraging CG Shortly to enhance their marketing, streamline operations, and elevate their customer experience.

Digital Marketing


Managing and tracking performance across multiple campaigns with long, disorganised URLs was time-consuming and hindered the optimisation of marketing strategies.


CG Shortly offered a way to shorten and organise campaign URLs, with branding options to maintain a consistent company image. QR codes were also used to add a creative touch to marketing materials. The tool’s tracking feature provided real-time performance data.


URL management time was reduced by 50%, and the cleaner, more professional URLs contributed to a 30% increase in click-through rates. The tracking data allowed for immediate adjustments to campaign strategies, improving overall efficiency.



An educational institution needs to provide students with a variety of resources, including research papers, online textbooks, and multimedia content. Sharing long and complex URLs in lectures, emails, and course materials often led to confusion and access issues. Many students also had difficulty remembering or typing lengthy URLs correctly.


By using CG Shortly, the institution was able to generate short, easy-to-share URLs for all digital resources. Custom QR codes were also created for in-class materials, allowing students to quickly access resources using their smartphones. These features made sharing and accessing course content more efficient.


Student engagement with digital resources increased significantly, as the shortened URLs and QR codes made it easier for them to access content on the go. Instructors also reported saving time on administrative tasks related to distributing materials, and CG Shortly’s tracking feature allowed the institution to monitor which resources were most utilised, improving future lesson planning.

Business Services


A business services company faced difficulties managing and sharing long URLs for client proposals, project reports, and service brochures. The cluttered appearance of lengthy links in email communications and presentations detracted from the company’s professional image, and tracking client engagement with these resources was nearly impossible.


CG Shortly allowed the company to shorten and brand all client-facing URLs, making their communications clean and professional. They also utilised the tool’s QR code generation feature for presentations and marketing materials, adding an interactive element for clients to quickly access documents. The built-in tracking feature enabled the company to monitor which links were being accessed by clients.


The business saw a 30% improvement in client engagement due to the professional appearance of their communications and the ease of accessing resources. The tracking insights provided by CG Shortly allowed the company to identify which documents received the most attention, helping to refine follow-up strategies and improve client relations. The team also saved time previously spent managing and organising URLs.



A tech company needed to share a wide range of product demos, software documentation, and client onboarding materials, often containing long URLs that cluttered communications. Managing these URLs for various projects became inefficient, and there was no easy way to track client interactions with the shared resources.


CG Shortly was implemented to generate shortened URLs for all product demos and documentation. Custom links were also branded with the company’s name, providing a cohesive, professional look across communications. The tool’s tracking capabilities allowed the tech team to monitor engagement, helping them follow up more effectively with clients.


The company experienced a 35% increase in client interactions with their shared technical resources. The streamlined URL management process saved the team hours of administrative work, while the tracking data provided valuable insights into which materials were most useful to clients, enabling them to fine-tune their outreach and support efforts.



A manufacturing company regularly shares product specifications, machinery manuals, and maintenance schedules with partners and clients. The long URLs associated with these resources were difficult to manage and often led to confusion. Additionally, there was no way to track whether clients accessed the shared materials.


Using CG Shortly, the company was able to create shortened, organised URLs for all its technical documents. They also incorporated branded QR codes into their product manuals and maintenance guides, making it easy for clients and technicians to access resources on-site with a quick scan.


Efficiency in sharing critical documentation improved significantly, leading to a 20% reduction in follow-up support requests from clients. The use of QR codes added convenience for on-site technicians, improving access to manuals during repairs. Tracking link engagement also helped the company understand which resources were most utilised, allowing them to update and prioritise key materials.



A government agency needed to distribute public service announcements, online forms, and informational resources to citizens. The URLs for these digital resources were often long and complicated, leading to reduced engagement and frequent access errors. Additionally, there was no efficient way to measure the reach of these resources.


The agency adopted CG Shortly to shorten and simplify the distribution of online forms, announcements, and resources. Custom URLs were branded to align with government communication standards, and QR codes were added to printed materials and public presentations, allowing citizens to quickly access digital services.


Engagement with public resources increased by 40%, as citizens found it easier to access services via shorter links and QR codes. The agency also gained valuable data through CG Shortly’s tracking features, which helped them analyse the effectiveness of their outreach campaigns and adjust their strategies accordingly.



A transportation company regularly shared schedules, route maps, booking information, and service updates with passengers and partners. The long URLs used for these digital resources made it difficult for passengers to quickly access information, especially on mobile devices, leading to frequent customer service inquiries.


CG Shortly was introduced to shorten URLs for all travel-related resources, making them mobile-friendly and easier to share. The company also used QR codes on tickets, in stations, and on vehicles, allowing passengers to quickly scan and access real-time updates, schedules, or booking information.


The transportation company saw a 30% decrease in customer service inquiries related to accessing information, as passengers found it easier to retrieve schedules and updates via shortened links and QR codes. The simplified URL structure and trackable links also improved internal reporting on passenger engagement and helped optimise future communication strategies.



A healthcare provider shared patient portals, appointment booking forms, and educational materials through long URLs, which often confused patients. These lengthy links were particularly troublesome for older patients and those less familiar with technology. Additionally, the provider had no way to track whether patients accessed these resources.


By using CG Shortly, the healthcare provider was able to shorten and simplify all patient-facing URLs, making them easier to access and share across email, SMS, and printed materials. QR codes were added to brochures and appointment reminders, giving patients the option to scan for quick access to forms and health information.


The provider reported a 25% increase in patient engagement with digital health resources, as shortened links and QR codes made it easier for patients to access care services. The ability to track link usage allowed the healthcare team to identify which materials were most helpful and improved their outreach efforts, particularly among tech-challenged patients.

Media & Internet


A media company frequently distributed links to articles, videos, and special promotions across multiple channels, including social media and email newsletters. However, the long URLs cluttered the look of their content and often led to lower engagement rates. Tracking which content resonated most with audiences was also a challenge.


CG Shortly allowed the media company to create sleek, branded URLs for all of its digital content. The short links fit seamlessly into social media posts, email campaigns, and even video descriptions, ensuring a more polished presentation. The company also utilised QR codes to boost engagement during live events, allowing audiences to quickly access related content.


Click-through rates improved by 40%, particularly on social media and email campaigns, where the short, branded links contributed to a cleaner, more appealing look. The tracking features provided data on which pieces of content were most popular, enabling the media company to tailor its future offerings and advertising efforts more effectively.



A retail company struggled with sharing long URLs for promotions, product pages, and loyalty programs across their email newsletters, social media, and SMS campaigns. The cluttered appearance of these links in marketing materials negatively impacted user engagement, and the company found it difficult to track the effectiveness of each campaign.


CG Shortly provided the retail company with clean, shortened URLs that could be easily branded and integrated into marketing campaigns. The company used these short links across all channels and generated QR codes for in-store signage, allowing customers to scan and access promotions or product details instantly.


Engagement rates improved by 35%, with customers finding it easier to access promotions and product pages via shorter, branded URLs and QR codes. Additionally, the tracking data from CG Shortly helped the retail company better understand which campaigns were most effective, allowing them to optimise future promotional strategies.



A hospitality company, managing several hotels and restaurants, needed to share booking links, promotional offers, and event details across multiple platforms. The long URLs cluttered their online presence, and customers had difficulty navigating to the correct pages, which negatively affected bookings and inquiries.


By implementing CG Shortly, the hospitality company shortened all booking and promotion-related URLs, making them easier to share on social media, email, and in marketing materials. Custom QR codes were also used on menus, flyers, and event brochures to provide quick access to online reservations and offers.


The company saw a 30% increase in online bookings and inquiries, as the shorter, branded links and QR codes made it easier for customers to engage with the business. The streamlined process also improved the overall customer experience, with tracking data from CG Shortly helping the company refine its marketing efforts based on real-time engagement insights.

Organisations (Non-Profits & Associations)


A non-profit organisation needed to share donation links, event registration forms, and volunteer sign-up pages with supporters. However, the long URLs made it difficult for potential donors and volunteers to easily access the resources, particularly when shared via social media or print materials.


Using CG Shortly, the organisation created short, branded URLs for all of its key links, making them easier to share across various platforms, including newsletters, social media, and direct mail. QR codes were added to posters and brochures, allowing people to scan and immediately access donation pages and event information.


The organisation experienced a 40% increase in donations and event registrations, as the shortened URLs and QR codes simplified the process for supporters. The tracking feature enabled the team to measure which outreach efforts were most successful, helping them allocate resources more efficiently and improve future campaigns.



A financial services firm struggled with sharing complex URLs for investment reports, account management tools, and financial resources with clients. The long URLs made email communications look unprofessional and hindered client engagement.


CG Shortly allowed the firm to create branded, shortened URLs for all client-facing content. The firm also generated QR codes for clients to easily access reports during meetings or through printed materials.


The use of branded short links resulted in a 25% increase in client engagement with financial tools, and the streamlined URLs improved the firm’s professional image. The firm also leveraged tracking to see which resources clients found most valuable, helping tailor their services.



A construction company needed to share project updates, architectural plans, and supplier contracts with stakeholders, but the long URLs made accessing these materials cumbersome for both clients and partners.


By using CG Shortly, the construction company shortened URLs for all project-related resources, making them easy to share via email, project management platforms, and on-site QR codes for workers.


The company improved communication efficiency, leading to faster project approvals and better coordination with suppliers. The tracking feature also allowed them to monitor document access, improving project management timelines.



An entertainment company managing multiple concerts and events had difficulty sharing promotional links, ticket sales pages, and event schedules across social media and email campaigns. The long URLs detracted from the aesthetic of their marketing content.


CG Shortly helped the company generate sleek, branded URLs for event promotions and ticketing platforms. They also incorporated QR codes into flyers, social media, and event banners for easier mobile access to event details.


Ticket sales increased by 40% due to the ease of accessing information, and the tracking capabilities provided insights into which promotions were driving the most traffic.

Real Estate


A real estate agency needed to share property listings, virtual tour links, and contract forms with clients. The long URLs were difficult to share over SMS, emails, and printed advertisements, leading to lower engagement rates.


With CG Shortly, the agency shortened all property links, making it easier for potential buyers to access listings. They also used QR codes on property flyers and yard signs, allowing prospects to instantly view property details.


The agency saw a 30% increase in inquiries, with the convenience of short URLs and QR codes encouraging more potential buyers to view listings. The tracking data also helped the agency understand which properties generated the most interest.

Consumer Services


A consumer services company offering home repairs and maintenance had difficulty managing and sharing service booking links, promotional offers, and instructional resources with clients due to the cluttered appearance of long URLs.


CG Shortly was used to create concise, branded URLs for service booking pages and resources, improving the company’s communications across SMS and email. They also added QR codes to service van decals and marketing materials to encourage easy access.


The shortened URLs boosted booking rates by 25%, and the QR codes allowed for a 15% increase in website traffic from offline marketing materials. The tracking feature enabled the company to monitor customer engagement with promotions and services.



An insurance company shared policy details, claim submission links, and premium payment pages with clients. The long URLs made it difficult for clients to access these essential services, causing frustration and increasing call centre traffic.


CG Shortly provided the company with shortened, branded links, improving the appearance and accessibility of all client communications. QR codes were added to policy documents and promotional mailings, making it easy for clients to access claims and payment portals.


There was a 20% decrease in customer service calls regarding document access, and a 30% increase in clients using online services. The tracking feature gave the insurance company insights into how clients interacted with their services, leading to more targeted communication.

Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment


A utility company had difficulty sharing billing portals, outage updates, and energy-saving tips with customers due to long URLs cluttering SMS alerts and email communications.


CG Shortly enabled the utility company to shorten and brand URLs for all customer-facing resources. They also used QR codes on printed bills and customer communications to give customers instant access to payment portals or service updates.


The shortened URLs led to a 25% increase in online bill payments, and the QR codes improved customer interaction with outage updates and other alerts. The tracking data allowed the utility company to optimise future outreach efforts.



A cultural organisation sharing event details, membership registration, and donation links faced issues with long URLs cluttering social media and email campaigns, leading to reduced engagement with their audience.


The organisation used CG Shortly to create branded, shortened URLs for event promotions and donation pages. QR codes were added to event posters and brochures for quick access to ticket sales and registration.


The organisation saw a 35% increase in event attendance and donations, with the simplified URLs and QR codes making it easier for patrons to participate. The tracking feature helped the organisation understand which events and promotions drove the most engagement.



A telecommunications company needed to share plan details, user guides, and customer support links across various platforms, but the long URLs made communications cluttered and difficult for customers to navigate.


CG Shortly provided the company with branded, shortened URLs, making it easier to share customer service resources and plan details via SMS, email, and social media. QR codes were used on product packaging and support brochures for quick access to user guides.


The company saw a 30% increase in customer engagement with service plans and guides, reducing call centre inquiries. The tracking data allowed them to optimise communication strategies and understand customer behaviour better.

Law Firms & Legal Services


A law firm needed to share client contracts, case summaries, and legal resources, but long URLs complicated client access to important documents, making it harder to maintain professional client communications.


Using CG Shortly, the firm created branded, shortened URLs for client-facing documents, allowing for a more professional presentation. QR codes were also used during client meetings and on printed legal documents for quick access to online resources.


Client satisfaction improved by 25% due to the ease of accessing legal resources, and the firm saved time on administrative tasks related to document sharing. The tracking feature provided insights into which resources clients accessed most.



A wholesale company struggled with sharing long URLs for product catalogues, order forms, and logistics updates, causing confusion among partners and clients.


The company adopted CG Shortly to shorten and brand URLs for all product and logistics-related documents. QR codes were also added to product packaging for easy reordering and access to additional product information.


The wholesale company improved client engagement by 20% as partners found it easier to access and place orders. The tracking data allowed the company to monitor client behaviour and refine its product offerings accordingly.



An agricultural business needed to share crop reports, supplier updates, and machinery maintenance schedules, but long URLs made accessing this information inefficient for farmers and suppliers in rural areas.


CG Shortly enabled the business to create short, easy-to-access URLs for all agricultural resources. QR codes were included in newsletters and on machinery manuals to allow quick access to updates and reports.


Engagement with agricultural resources increased by 25%, and the business improved communication efficiency with its suppliers. The tracking feature allowed them to see which reports were most valuable to farmers, helping to improve future resources.

Metals & Mining


A metals and mining company needed to share safety protocols, project updates, and supplier contracts. Long URLs made it challenging for workers in remote locations to access critical information efficiently.


CG Shortly provided shortened, branded URLs for safety manuals and project documents, making it easier for workers to access these resources. QR codes were used in project sites to give workers quick access to safety information.


The company saw a 30% improvement in the accessibility of safety materials and project updates, leading to enhanced on-site safety compliance. The tracking data helped the company monitor engagement with key resources and optimise project communications.

Chambers of Commerce


A Chamber of Commerce needed to share event details, membership registration links, and local business resources, but long URLs made it difficult to effectively communicate with its members.


CG Shortly allowed the Chamber to create branded, shortened URLs for event promotions and business resources. QR codes were incorporated into newsletters and event flyers to make it easy for members to access resources and sign up for events.


Event attendance and membership registrations increased by 35%, and the tracking feature helped the Chamber refine its outreach strategies by identifying which resources were most popular among local businesses.